
Single implant in computer guided surgery with roll flap and connective tissue graft


Guided surgery allows implant surgeries to be performed less painfully, less invasively, and faster than traditional implantology.

Dr. Franco Quinti in this course presents a single implant dental procedure on a young patient about 18 years old with agenesis of the lateral in position 22. Not being fully satisfied with the Maryland, she asks for an improving solution.

The course starts from the medical history to describe all steps from surgery to postoperative, through probing and all the stages of computer-guided surgery.

Dr. Franco Quinti, owner of Gruppo Odontoiatria FQ which includes two practices in Tuscany and Umbria, is an ordinary member of the SIdP e di SIO and he has more than 20 year experience in practicing and training. He also collaborate with other extremely valued professionals. He offers consultations to other professionals, especially in the fields of implantology, periodontology, and more complex third molar avulsive surgery.


Mezzi tecnologici necessari

No special tools are needed, with the obvious exception of a PC with monitor and speaker.

Procedure di valutazione

It is not required to fill out any evaluation tests at the end of the course, but it is mandatory to complete the perceived quality questionnaire.

Descrizione modulo formativo

Guided surgery allows implant surgeries to be performed less painfully, less invasively, and faster than traditional implantology.

Dr. Franco Quinti in this course presents a single implant dental procedure on a young patient about 18 years old with agenesis of the lateral in position 22. Not being fully satisfied with the Maryland, she asks for an improving solution.

The course starts from the medical history to describe all steps from surgery to postoperative, through probing and all the stages of computer-guided surgery.

Dr. Franco Quinti, owner of Gruppo Odontoiatria FQ which includes two practices in Tuscany and Umbria, is an ordinary member of the SIdP e di SIOand he has more than 20 year experience in practicing and training. He also collaborate with other extremely valued professionals. He offers consultations to other professionals, especially in the fields of implantology, periodontology, and more complex third molar avulsive surgery.

Elenco delle professioni e discipline a cui l'evento è rivolto


  • Odontoiatra

Igienista dentale

  • Igienista dentale
  • Iscritto nell'elenco speciale ad esaurimento
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